Your Guides

Michał Figura

Guide, Lecturer

Michał is a PhD student at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of the University of Warsaw. His PhD project is focused on rescue, rehabilitation and post-release monitoring of grey wolves and Eurasian lynxes. He is a field guide involved in studies on large carnivores for the last decade. Member of the Board for the Association for Nature „Wolf” and Wildlife Seminars project leader.

Iga Kwiatkowska

Guide, Lecturer

Iga is currently doing her PhD thesis on wolf-dog hybridisation and its ecological consequences at the University of Warsaw, but her previous degrees are related to lynxes and combine field and laboratory work. She has collaborated in a number of projects on wolf ecology and genetics.

Korneliusz Kurek

Guide, Lecturer

He did his PhD on the ecology of whiskered bat population in the Western Carpathian Mountains. He was also involved in studies on the ecology of large carnivores (wolf, lynx and brown bear) and mustelids (martens and badgers), and took part in environmental impact assessments for the infrastructure development projects. For many years he was a teacher working both with school children and academic students.

Weronika Baranowska

Guide, Lecturer

Weronika is doing her master thesis on wolf diet in human-dominated landscapes at the University of Warsaw. She works both in the field and in the laboratory. Besides wolves, her area of interest includes other mammals and birds. She is involved in projects on wolf ecology, ecology of birds in cities and is a licensed bird ringer.

Adam Harper

Guide, Lecturer

A post graduate in animal sciences and a member of the royal society of biologists. Adam has spent 7 years working with International NGOs and currently lectures in conservation biology and ecology in the UK. In his spare time Adam enjoys travelling, mountaineering and technical diving.

Sabina Nowak

Special guest

She complited her PhD on the ecology of wolf population in the Western Carpathian Mountains. Her research interests covers mainly ecology, behaviour, genetics, conservation of large carnivores and impact of transport infrastructure on habitat connectivity.  She is an author of numerous scientific and popular articles and books about wolf ecology.

Robert Mysłajek

Special guest

Ph.D. in biology at the Institute of Nature Conservation Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków. He is particularly interested in animal ecology, animal genetics and conservation biology. He is a head of the conservation genetics group in the Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology at the Faculty of Biology University of Warsaw.